The Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services (GEMS)program trains emergency and mobile healthcare practitioners to deliver state-of-the-art care to geriatric patients. This course addresses the geriatric-specific topics and competency statements in the National EMS Education Standards.
GEMS empowers EMS practitioners to overcome the unique medical and communications challenges of older adults.
While still maintaining a scenario-based approach with emphasis on the GEMS diamond, we offer a PowerPoint lecture including slides that highlight geriatric specific content such as: fall prevention, epidemiology, polypharmacy, and more. Providing core knowledge to ensure a foundation of understanding for the scenarios, and ultimately for assessing and treating patients.
All courses provide multiple case scenarios that enhance participant involvement and discussion.
Disasters and the associated needs of older patients: discussing the unique challenges that are specific to the geriatric population in disasters and EMS logistics associated with them.
Mobile Integrated Healthcare-CommunityParamedicine (MIH-CP) and the opportunity to make a difference with older patients. This discusses the identification of patients who would benefit from MIH-CP and the EMS role in patient advocacy.
New videos covering Elder Abuse, MIH-CP and Trauma. These videos provide real world situations that providers could encounter and demonstrate proper communication, assessment and patient care
Ultimately this course will enhance the competence, confidence and compassion of EMS practitioners in responding to geriatric patients. MedProEd will be able to offer the 8-hour Core Course alone, or in combination the Advanced Course (coming soon) for a two day, 16-hour GEMS experience. GEMS also offers a solid supplement to initial EMT and paramedic curriculum, helping to reinforce the affective domain while incorporating strong cognitive and psycho-motor components.